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How to extend the life of the tire of the concrete mixer

May 27, 2017
The concrete mixer in frequently used in the construction, and the tire of the concrete mixer is also a kind of consumed material, and the cost of the tire of the concrete mixer can reach thousands of Yuan, if it is damaged due to the improper operation, and it will be a unnecessary waste. So how can we reduce the wearing of the tire and make the tire can have longer life, the good and excellent performance will reduce the friction of the tire bear, and the following things we shall bear in mind:First, the pressure must reach the requirement, when the pressure of the tire is lower than the normal value, the friction that the tire bear is getting larger, which will lead to the burst of the tire. Second, be sure that there is no leak and transformation on the tire surface, and sometimes the fine stone that is struck on the groove of the tire will lead the burst of the tire.

Try to choose the plain place to put the concrete mixer truck, keep the tire away from the environment that will influence the rubber, and the driver shall avoid turning the car when it stops, or it will deepen the destroy to the tire. Besides, don’t make the concrete mixer truck cool down by cold water, or it will speed up the aging of the machine. Avoid the sudden and frequent braking to prevent the strong friction of the tire with the ground, and the urgent braking will cause a large pressure and make the pieces of the glass and small stone get into the tire of the concrete mixer. Choose the plain road to drive on, and avoid the tire is damaged by the poor road condition, besides, drive slowly to avoid the strong vibration of the concrete mixer, finally, you shall control well on the speed of the truck, the speed shall be reduced when the driver is driving pass a bend road.
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