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Haomei News

Production advantages of Haomei concrete mixing plant

Jun 14, 2016

Let us introduce the advantages of Haomei concrete batch plant equipment in the production process.

1. Data management system: it can keep concrete mixing plant yield data in real time which has strong functions of combination query and report output and it can print the delivery note idiomatically.

2. Slump monitoring system: according to the showed current curve of concrete mixer, operator can visually distinguish concrete slump.

3. The intermittent structure characteristics.

Production advantages of Haomei concrete mixing plant

4. Discharging door of storage bin is big, so the storage bin will not bulging, the discharging speed is fast and feeding time is shot. One time feeding can produce one car concrete, the cylinder frequency is small and the using time is long.

5. The feeding amount from storage bin to material hopper can not affect the automatic weighing accuracy.

6. Batching and tipping process can proceed together. The feeding time is short, batching time and tipping time is long, so the sensor will have stable response time.

7. Strong pull belt speed is controlled by computer and frequency converter which has small impact and less sticking material.

8. Our concrete batching plant adopts the inverter speed control which can achieve complete high-precision batching in shot time.

Haomei machinery equipment co.,ltd. is located in the famous machinery capital of Zhengzhou, China. We are professional machinery products manufacturer-featuring a wide range of quality concrete batching plant, mobile concrete batching plant, concrete pump, concrete mixer trucks, block machine and asphalt mixing plant etc.

Haomei machinery equipment CO., LTD.

Name: ANN MA



Office Add: No.14 Waihuan Road, New district, Zhengzhou, China

Tel: +86-371-65621392


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