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Increase the mobile batching plant work efficiency

Mar 19, 2018

Effectively increasing the work efficiency of mobile batching plant can increase production and bring more economic benefits for commercial concrete batching plants. With the housing construction is fiery, the demand for concrete is increasing. This also requires the mobile concrete batching plant must perform efficient work and complete the customer's demand on time. How to improve the working efficiency of the mobile concrete plant? Here we Haomei Machinery will tell you in details one by one.

mobile batching plant

First, always pay attention to the working status of the concrete mixer.
During the process of producing agitation materials, the work staff should regularly inspect the butterfly valve and related electrical components of the concrete mixer to ensure smooth operation of the mechanism and inspect connection between the powder hopper and the mixer and ensure smooth feeding.
Second, concrete batching plant transport equipment.
According to the production capacity and transportation distance of the mobile batching plant, equipped with enough transportation concrete mixer trucks, it will not be able to produce excessive concrete without timely transportation, affecting the progress of the project.
Third, the timing of the mobile concrete batching plant.
For the mixing time, the worker should check the integrity of the blade liner inside the mixer, the location of the raw materials, the delivery time period, whether there is a shaft holding phenomenon affect the stirring effect and time. To reduce the discharge time, increase the capacity of the output hopper or design the hopper as storage container are generally used.

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