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Judge the quality of the ready mix concrete batching plant

Sep 12, 2018
In recent years, the development of the ready mix concrete batching plant industry has become better and better, and many users are also optimistic about the development prospects and continuously invest in. The quality of the ready mix concrete plant determines the service life of the concrete mixing plant equipment, and also determines the progress of the project. Therefore, when choosing, we must pay attention to the quality of the concrete mixing plant much. So, what  are the factors that affect the quality of the concrete mixing plant?
ready mix concrete batching plant
1.The material of the ready mix concrete plant equipment.
The material of the equipment mainly refers to the thickness of the steel plate. The quality of the material determines the service life of the equipment and the most basic stability of the equipment.
2.The measurement system in the concrete mixing plant.
To see the activity and accuracy of the metering system of concrete mixing plant equipment.
3.The welding process of the concrete mixing station equipment.
Carefully check the welding of the key parts. If the welding is not good, it will not only affect the service life of the ready mix concrete batching plant, but also cause safety accidents, which will cause great losses.
4.The mixing machine of the concrete mixing station
The concrete mixing machine is the main machine of the batching plant, so the quality is very important, the mixing arm, mixing arm, the mixing drum and sealing should be checked carefully.
5.The control system of the ready mixed concrete plant.
The control system is the central nerve of the whole mixing station. If there is a problem with the control system, the whole concrete mixing station will be disordered or even stopped, so the choice of a good control system is critical.
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