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The Cost of Building a Concrete Batching Plant

Jun 02, 2017
Some clients wants to know the cost of the concrete batching plant, because when purchasing the concrete batching plant, the budget is also an important factor that shall be taken into consideration, but before we finally come to the cost, we must be clear about the concrete mixing model, different types of concrete mixing, and the size of the concrete mixing station. For example, the small concrete mixing station such as the hzs25, hzs35, hzs50, hzs 60, etc, and the cost is not large, generally ranging from 20-30 million. The medium size concrete is usually the hzs 75, hzs 90, hzs 120, and the output is relatively large and the general investment is 50-90 million or so. The large scale mixing station is the hzs180, hzs240 mixing station, and this large scale concrete mixing plant because of its larger production, equipment, so the investment us 150-240 million or so. When you are choosing the concrete batching plant, the cost isn’t the only factor that shall be taken into consideration, and the high quality concrete batching plant can be used for a long time, and seeing from a long period, it will save the money. So, Haomei is your best choice! Above are the general cases, and if you have the demand, you can make the professional estimation according to your demand.

The Haomei Industrial Co., Ltd is the professional manufacturer of the concrete batching plant, and we have the professional sales consultant that can answer all your question, please contact us if you have any need, and we will try our best to answer all your questions!
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