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Haomei News

The Capacity introduction of the concrete mixing plant

Jun 05, 2017
We know that the concrete mixing plant has the different size, and in different condition, we shall choose the proper machine according to the requirement of the construction. In order to help you to have a better understand about the capacity of the concrete plant, and the meaning of the number , so we explain it for you as follows: 25 concrete mixing plant production capacity is 25 cubic meters per hour;35 concrete mixing plant production capacity is 35 cubic meters per hour; 50 concrete mixing plant production capacity is 50 cubic meters per hour; 75 concrete mixing plant production capacity is 75 cubic meters per hour. There are several more equipment for small mixing plant: 60 concrete mixing plant production capacity is 60 cubic meters per hour; 90concrete mixing plant production capacity is 90 cubic meters per hour; 120 concrete mixing plant production capacity is 120 cubic meters per hour; 180concrete mixing plant production capacity is180 cubic meters per hour. The type of concrete mixer is closely related to the length and duration of the project. When the concrete project is large and the construction period is long, it should choose medium or large fixed concrete mixer. If the concrete project is small and the construction period is short, it should use medium and small mobile mxer.

Choosing a suitable is an very important question and it is closely related to the work efficiency of the construction and the cost budget of you, so we need to choose the concrete mixing plant carefully before your final determination, never bother, if you are confused about the size of concrete mixer, and you can consult us, Haomei industrial Co., Ltd is the professional concrete mixer manufacture, and the machines have been sold all over the world.
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